

We were visited by a speedway rider!

01 October 2020

This morning in Socrates was special!
After the Tuesday win with our team in the match, and just before the last Grand Prix in Toruń, we were visited by a speedway rider, Mr. Artem Laguta! 📸🔥 We showered him with an avalanche of questions, among others about how early he started training, how many victories he has, how many PS has his machine and how much you have to pay for it. We also found out how loud thr engine is! Undoubtedly – Mr. Artem has a talent! Both for driving and for telling about the sport. We are delighted! Thank you for your time. Please come back! 📸
We also thank Mr. Rafał for organizing the meeting. ❤️
Mor pictures on ur Facebook page!

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